Fibers: Soluble or Insoluble

Learn about fiber. it’s more than a gut feeling: fiber is vital for your digestive health. Take a minute and learn about the two types of roughage and how to add it to your diet. After all, maintaining a healthy digestive tract is something we all need to stomach.

Keep your stomach healthy with fiber.

Keep your stomach healthy with fiber.

The two types of fiber are:
• Soluble Fiber
• Insoluble Fiber

Based on your diet and needs you could require different amounts of each fiber. 

Soluble fiber when mixed with water creates a gel-like substance and swells. Soluble fiber has many benefits including moderating blood glucose levels, lowering cholesterol and helping to create a feeling of fullness. 

Insoluble fibers do not absorb or dissolve in water. Instead, it passes through our digestive system in close to its original form. Insoluble fiber offers many benefits to the digestive system such as reducing the risk of hemorrhoids and constipation. 

Since dietary fiber is found only in plant products, the average American falls significantly short of the recommended amount of fiber, consuming on average only 12-17 grams a day. Ways to increase your dietary fiber in your diet include: 

• Choosing whole fruits and vegetables (with peels when possible) 
• Choosing whole grain when possible 
• Replacing meat with beans or legumes 

Raw vegetables are a great source of fiber.

Raw vegetables are a great source of fiber.

Try experimenting with the above items. Try to slowly modify your diet in order for your body to become accustomed to a diet that is high in fiber to help avoid any gas or bloating. 

If you find it difficult to reach your required fiber levels consider using a fiber supplement to help aid in this. Adding a naturally sourced fiber supplement to your diet is recommended by most doctors and dieticians. 

Additionally, if you have high blood glucose or cholesterol levels consider a fiber source that is high in soluble fiber. Fenuwise is a fiber derived from the fenugreek seed and it contains close to 80% soluble fiber. It is also locally sourced from sustainable Canadian farms.

Fenuwise — a natural source of fiber derived from fenugreek seeds.

Fenuwise — a natural source of fiber derived from fenugreek seeds.


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Know your Fibers!